Sunday, September 5, 2010

Love makes you crazy

"Gravitiaition is not responsible for people."by Albert Einstein. I want to start my writing with this quote first. It is fabulous words. ANd this saying is enough to describe my parents marriage life. They truly love each other. Although they get older, their love is burning as teenager's love if I exaggerate a little bit. But it is true though. I'm jealous of their faithful love.
How do they start their love? As I seeing them, they have lots of differences between them; my mother is hot temper character and my father is slow australian sloth. This fact bring me to mysterious world. Two opposite characters get married and live without complaints. Oaky, let's start with the college life of them. They had perfect settings that they went to same college and even major,pharmacy that needs to put much time in library. Therefore, they usually had met in library while they studied.
However, before they started dating, there was not any connection between them. My fahter was too quite to being noticed, while my mother was pop-star in the campus because of her beauty. I saw her the album which proves her aesthetic appearacne. Literally, she was beautiful woman that anyone wants to get her. Also, my father has good looking and his family is farily wealthy in the city. Their first meeting was quite simple as ordinary people do, it was not fate. Their freinds set them up blind dates one night, and it went well.

Be brave man

It is strange to say, this bizzare dreams recurred to me 3 times. I don't want to remeber this, but I want to share it because of its intriguing stroy.
Our family was taking a nap in the Sunday morning after we went to church. And my fahter woke up first and he shouted that his new pair of shoes were stolen. Those shoes were fancy, especially for my father, extremely thrift. He never spent his money on fashion, but those shoes were fairly expensive.
Anyway, we were watching the news that might can help out finding my fahter's shoes. It was very stupid way, but it works anyway. The news was about a stolen shoes by a monster whih lives in the mountain. It only can happen in dreams. The appearance of monster was not that sacary but it was giant. It could be a character of certain video game, but I can't not depict itself perfectly. According to the news, the monster lived not that far away from home. My father ordered to us to be armed. What weapons can be found in ordinary house? Each member of my family pick up the things: My brother and I brought the toy guns, my mother carried cooker, my father brought ropes to tie up the monster. At last, our family was armed with the weakest weapons I've ever seen. And we headed to mountain to kill the bad monster. I don't know, if it was true situation, I wouldn't go there.
The weather was beautiful to hiking. Our family, however, had a big mission rather than enjoyed the day. Wehn we climbed up the middle of mountain, the monster screamed all over the mountain. But it wasn't sacre at all. The monster tried best himself to make loud noise, but I felt sympathy for him instead of terror. The monster was absolutely clumsy. He jumped over and over to threaten our family, after all, the monster fell down himself. We just stood there and laughed at him. Nothing sacare of him. I can't not remeber how we got my father shoes back, but dream was over with happy ending. And all the stuffs what we brought from home replaced to same place. We all acted like nothing happened.

क्लुम्स्य मोंस्टर.

It is strange to say, this bizzare dreams recurred to me 3 times. I don't want to remeber this, but I want to share it because of its intriguing stroy.
Our family was taking a nap in the Sunday morning after we went to church. And my fahter woke up first and he shouted that his new pair of shoes were stolen. Those shoes were fancy, especially for my father, extremely thrift. He never spent his money on fashion, but those shoes were fairly expensive.
Anyway, we were watching the news that might can help out finding my fahter's shoes. It was very stupid way, but it works anyway. The news was about a stolen shoes by a monster whih lives in the mountain. It only can happen in dreams. The appearance of monster was not that sacary but it was giant. It could be a character of certain video game, but I can't not depict itself perfectly. According to the news, the monster lived not that far away from home. My father ordered to us to be armed. What weapons can be found in ordinary house? Each member of my family pick up the things: My brother and I brought the toy guns, my mother carried cooker, my father brought ropes to tie up the monster. At last, our family was armed with the weakest weapons I've ever seen. And we headed to mountain to kill the bad monster. I don't know, if it was true situation, I wouldn't go there.
The weather was beautiful to hiking. Our family, however, had a big mission rather than enjoyed the day. Wehn we climbed up the middle of mountain, the monster screamed all over the mountain. But it wasn't sacre at all. The monster tried best himself to make loud noise, but I felt sympathy for him instead of terror. The monster was absolutely clumsy. He jumped over and over to threaten our family, after all, the monster fell down himself. We just stood there and laughed at him. Nothing sacare of him. I can't not remeber how we got my father shoes back, but dream was over with happy ending. And all the stuffs what we brought from home replaced to same place. We all acted like nothing happened.