Sunday, October 31, 2010

Senior quotes

"No more chicken fingers, chicken sandwich, Pizza and cold fries."

This quote represents our school's lunch menu that feed me for 2 years. I don't like them very much, however; sometimes I eager to have school lunch rather than homemade food during a weekend. But definitely, we need more options and nutrient foods. Sorry, I'm out of the school soon, and I will have fabulous lunch in cafeteria in university.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Tatoos are alive(nonfiction writing)

The time when hard rock music was popular,in 1960s, people were following the rockstars' life and fashion. We could not talk about rockstars without tatoos. If you want to be a cool guy, definitely should have tatoos on your soft skin. The variety inks express what you are interested, such as dragons,skulls,devil and angel maybe.
A rockstar, whose name is Slater, have tatoos on all over his body. Although he is white, people couldn't find any white color skins of his body. His band is well known for the crazy hard rocks. The secrets are behind to the totoos that he wear. Tatoos are alive, each of them affects him to play a music.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Holden Caulfield

Holden represents modern teenagers well. He did not belong to phoniness high school and finally kicked out of it. I totally understand him. Sometimes I don't want to go school and even get involved in any assembly and meeting stuffs. Also, I liked to how he express his feeling of his lover. He was so shy and couldn't tell his real emotion to her. This scene gives me so much fun. And now, he struggled with his family and this happens to me. So I can feel easily what he has in his mind.
Moreover, his voice in the book was pleased me because of teenagers' language. He used some kind of slang that can handle teenager. As a result, Holden and I have common thoughts and view of the worlds. I totally enjoyed the character.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Short story first draft

Never passed out in the School
Once upon a time, actually not, 2 years ago, Mr. Korean saved a kid with his best buddy Thomas Joseph. It was nice day to tossing football and running around the small field, where is down the hill of campus. Students had their fabulous lunch outside and exposed nice warm sunlight. As usual, the food-fight was going on and there was teacher who trying to stop them. But it was useless. Students share about the future assembly about the survivors of holocaust.
“Oh my god, Jewish people going to present how they are Jews!” said Patrick.
“Shut up! I like to be Jew, and I’m proud of myself.” Yohans yelled with giggling.
“Oh yeah? Good for you Jew.” Mr. Korean said.
Yohans is such a nice guy. And he always becomes a issue when we talk about something. He acts like pedant. He always cuts our conversation and talks about his theory that no one will agree with him. But he is happy, and then it is good. Now, students obsess with finding their origin.
“Do you have German in you, Patrick?” Nick said.
“No, I have no Hitler in me, but I’m still hate Jew.” Patrick responded.
“Ok, guys, let’s just stop here and play touch football.” Thomas said.
“Sounds like a plan, let’s do foot ball.” Patrick was excited.
“You don’t play football. Go away and play with your cat moron.” Yohans revenged.
“Jew!” Patrick never ever gives up. While we go down to the hill, the stupid jokes never end. At the entrance of the hill, we saw the 6 freshmen are hanging out. They are laughing as crazy people.
“Why are they laughing like that? Is this because they are freshmen? They look retarded people.” Patrick said.
“Who cares Patrick? Would you just close your mouth for a minute please? I’m asking you politely dude.”Paul said to Patrick.
“Hey Paul, you know what? You talk as much as Patrick does, you don’t say that.” Mr.Koran said.
Paul has a character. He is incredibly funny and sometimes being ridiculous. But we embrace him. Finally, the greenish well-grown field welcomed 8 naughty boys, including Mr.Korean. It was very bright because the sunlight reflected by the water on the grass. Nice field. Of course, Thomas Joseph separates team in the cool way. Mr.Korean was his team. Cool guy made a mistake that Patrick and Yohans were in different team. Before even the game started
“I’ll kick your ass Patrick you little boy.” Yohans said
‘Gosh, there we go again.’ Mr. Korean sighed.
Peaceful field has turned out where the war corrupted. Hearing Patrick and Yohanas quarrel is may worse than the living in holocaust, no offense though. However, observing there fight is quite worthy to killing time. They amused us. They are annoying people when you are together, but we miss them if they are absent. Football has lost its rules and definitions by us. Eight sophomores just hit each other and run away. It sounds like “gay” which commonly saying in this situation, but we are all straight. Don’t get wrong idea. Just saying.
“This is not a football guys, I’m out of here.” Nick said.
“We have only five minutes to get assembly started. I guess we all have to head out to presentation hall.” Paul said something right. No injuries, no fight, it was perfect time. It was just full of enjoyable time. However, Paul doesn’t go presentation hall right away. He stays us Thomas and Mr.Korean. Three of us never hurry in something. No matter how, the bell has rung, none of us doesn’t care. We play role of trouble makers in the school. They have every single same class. Imagine that how they make trouble in the class. Best three buddies in the same class. We’ve got more lunch detentions than sum of the other students’ records. Maybe, Patrick can beat us.
“Guys, can we just stay here and not go to assembly? No one can find us if we are here. I don’t want to hear old peoples’ presentation. It is really hard to understand for me. You know what am I talking about?” Mr. Korean proposed sweet idea.
“What do you think Thomas? It’s actually really good idea. I don’t want hear how sadness about the holocaust. We are living in 21th century.” Paul added .
“Screw assembly! Let’s just have another detention. Recently I was kind of boring that we don’t get a detention. And I guess it’s time to say hello football coach. It’s cool. We don’t go to that assembly.” Thomas decided.
Those three guys are in trouble again. They are testing football coach who gives detention to students. But I guess the football coach already tired of writing a detention paper for us and signing on it. I have to make it correctly. We are all friend in this school, even though we had detention, never mad at us except the librarian. Librarian is the meanest person in the school. When we three enter the library
“Thomas Joseph, Paul Segal, and Mr.Korean please leave the library right now, or not, I’ll give you lunch detention. You see these yellow papers? I already write three of you guys’ names. If you understand me, please don’t bother other students and leave.”
We deserve this. We never studied in the library but made noise. We know she like us and make fun of us, but sometimes, we don’t know.
Anyway, we are just sitting on the bench, and Mr. Korean is lying down on the grass.

Monday, October 4, 2010

story ideas

Title: never get drunk in school students!
Character: me and Thomas Joseph and other freshmen
background: lovely lunch time in school
setting: Four freshmen had drunk and totally lost. And one of them passed out...The rest of three guy dragged him down to the hill and me and Joseph found that.
conclusion: Don't get caught

story elements

-interesting or sad settings that can attract readers
-little bit of details
-vivid languages
-strong impression
-ABCCDE format

the college that I want to get in....

The university of South Carolina,USC,is not my top goal college but it is the most meaningful place to me. First, South Carolina is kind of second hometown for me. I had great memories while I stayed in there. Friends, familys and school were all nice to me. I can smell the atmosphere of there and hear beautiful things for some reasons. So, I want to go back to SC and make more great memories.
Anyway, I will stay in campus for freshman year. Staying in campus will be so much fun to hang out with friedns whom I met in high school students. And also, I can get more opportunities to get involved in school activities.
Requirement of USC is just filling out the commonapplication, and average SAT scores. Also I have to take TOFLE which is English standard test for international students.